Project idea 'El teatro en la escuela / Teatro a scuola / Theater at school'
Mi propuesta personal de proyecto es fomentar
una reflexión de carácter didáctico y motivador acerca del mundo de posibilidades que nos puede ofrecer la
utilización del teatro con nuestro alumnado en las aulas
La mia proposta progettuale personale è quella di
promuovere una riflessione di natura didattica e motivante sul mondo delle possibilità che l'uso del teatro
può offrirci con i nostri studenti nelle aule
My personal project proposal is to foster a reflection of a didactic
and motivating nature about the world of possibilities that the use of theater can offer us with our students in
the classrooms
The specific information regarding the competences and abilities that are expected to develop in the students with the project is the educational value of the theater as part of the pedagogical techniques used to develop the expression and communication skills of the students and the students focusing not only in the language skills of reading, writing, listening or speaking but, above all, in the ability to communicate. Other didactic objectives are to stimulate creativity and encourage taste and love for the dramatic activity, to work the different scenic languages in the classroom and to rescue the idea of artistic expression as a means of learning other disciplines and as a possibility of evolution in social skills.
Work process We will collaborate with other educational centers, we will distribute the responsibilities and we will establish an approximate calendar of activities with communication and cooperation before, during and at the end of the project with examples of tasks. The action dimensions are curricular (aspiration to become a useful instrument to offer resources and activities susceptible to be included in the didactic programs), educational environment (school contexts determine student learning), collaboration with external resources (public institutions can be an enriching and complementary resource for the activity to acquire a new dimension) and globalization (Multiple and media literacies must be present in the teaching-learning process). The proposed methodology is active, motivating and participatory, based on interdisciplinarity, project-based work and cooperative work.
Expected results
We pursue a tangible final goal such as a public TwinSpace and other materials, initiating the students in the interpretation of the reality that surrounds them, the empowerment of group work, the responsibility towards a final result and the use of new means of expression as well as develop the key competences of our students, mature their own abilities and facilitate the possibility of valuing and enjoying the various artistic-musical manifestations. Finally, the monitoring, evaluation and assessment of the students' learning process during the project will take into account the degree of acquisition of the key competences and the achievement of the proposed objectives.
My simple ICT activity that involves real collaboration is the creation of a name for each team, its avatar and the dramatized reading of a popular short scene using resources such as Audacity, Google drive or Symbaloo in addition to evaluate the activity through the rubric